Help support Puddle to create more art to inspire the collective by purchasing prints, canvases, and accessories in the Jupiter Press store.

Original Pieces are for sale. See gallery below for availability.

Collage art made from carefully sacrificed pages of yesterday’s National Geographic Magazines and bargain bin thrifted books.


Multi-dimensional art, design aesthetics, drawings, paintings, music, video edits, photography, collage art, acrylic portraits, and more to come!

Help support Puddle by purchasing printed canvases, cards, buttons, and accessories in the store!

Original artwork is for sale with details on pieces below in the gallery.

Contact Puddle for pricing on original pieces.

All of the Dead

All of the Dead - Desert Loop LoFi Ambient Trippy Desert Wave (is that even a thing?!) Well we're making it a thing!


Check us Out on YouTube